Tackling Major Challenges in Custom Software Solutions For Healthcare

May 7, 2020
Tackling Major Challenges in Custom Software Solutions For Healthcare

"Adopting a continuous learning mindset will be needed to adjust to the changing healthcare landscape. Staff must have and continually refine competencies in IT in order to compete. In short, the biggest challenge facing healthcare will be in embracing  IT in all facets of the health care and the delivery system"
Linda C. Lombardi, PhD, Chief Strategy Officer and Chief Experience Officer, NYC Health + Hospitals, Bellevue, NY

The advent of technology and healthcare software applications in digitizing healthcare is inevitable. Those companies who are quick and smart in embracing technology will reap the benefits of streamlined processes, boosted efficiencies and increased revenues.  

For those companies looking to modernize, there are many attractive technology options, including blockchain-based healthcare record keeping software, patient management solutions, tools built on artificial intelligence, and algorithms and machine learning which streamline the customer experience with sophisticated user interfaces. Patients who come to rely on streamlined access become reliable and ongoing users. 

"The healthcare software industry is rapidly evolving. Today you will have no trouble finding an impressive array  of top medical software providers. However, choosing the right healthcare software team  is a challenge. It takes much more than an experienced team of developers.

A solution that drives good business results demands a partnership where healthcare software providers are aligned with company culture.  At Proxet, we customize our approach to fit with your needs and culture. There’s no “one size fits all”. , — Vlad Medvedovsky, CEO and founder of Proxet, custom software development solutions company.

Software development technologies: facts and figures

In an insightful Forbes material, David Shaywitz noted that software used in hospitals operates on what is called the ‘digital exhaust’ of patients rather than actual medical data. The key defining principles for medical device software development and 

the best healthcare software companies are context, high relevance, and ethics. And of course, cybersecurity is inseparable from  data application — it can make or break any business. 

Let’s face it: we went mobile a long time ago. Today 52% of all browsing is done via smartphones. If we take a closer look at Google searches, 5% of them are health-related.Consumers around the globe use their smartphones to search physicians, medications, hospitals, browse ratings and make appointments. 

An innovative digital health solution means moving away from  bulky systems and Excel spreadsheets towards predictive, cognitive and intuitive solutions which seamlessly integrate data and management tools, allowing a business to become proactive rather than reactive. 

According to Deloitte’s 2020 Global Health Care Outlook, by 2023 healthcare spending is expected to increase at a CAGR of 5%. This figure suggests growing opportunities for the healthcare software industry and medical software development vendors in particular. As per KFF polling, 88% of Americans claim that their doctors use computer-based record keeping. This rise in the use of computer-based record-keeping by physicians will only increase over time because of the obvious benefits it delivers to patients in terms of transparency, convenience, and one-click swiftness. 

By the end of 2020, the mobile health (mHealth) industry is expected to reach a market share of $58.8 billion. There will be an explosion of healthcare software applications — patient management solutions, drug management apps, e-prescribing apps, medical research software. 

How custom software development helps to boost your revenue expectations

Customer-centric businesses build long-term relationships by proactively identifying their clients’ needs. Long-term sustainable revenue growth stems from well-built robust processes, optimized operations, and deeply personalized services. 

Custom healthcare software development can offer the following solutions

  • Improved patient experience — healthcare software applications deliver patient communication and customer service 24/7: send reminders on upcoming appointments, taking medications on time, discounts on prescriptions.Services can be  tailored for each specific patient --  for instance,  artificial intelligence -backed medical chatbots can field specific tailored questions or inquiries from patients, operating like a  fully-fledged personal assistant who is  always available and on call. The advancement in Natural language and NLP capabilities make for realistic and human-like exchanges.
  • Enhanced data management — Only one human error by an administrator or receptionist can sour a patient’s experience. Eliminating the probability of human error  for routine tasks means that data is secure and stored seamlessly.  For example, patient test results can be almost instantaneously updated or posted by an algorithm.
  • Streamlined processes and performance analysis — software used in hospitals is a platform that supports multiple stakeholders, including managing resources, supporting staff, scheduling and facilitating other administrative tasks cross-functionally. In addition to adding tremendous day-to-day value, these systems also offer insightful metrics, providing  valuable business insights on KPIs, key qualitative/quantitative parameters as well as instant patient feedback. 

Innovation in technology in the healthcare space will deliver improved productivity, efficiency, accuracy, alleviating humans from these burdensome tasks and letting them focus on the care aspect of healthcare. 

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