The Technology Behind AI Image Generation

October 10, 2024
The Technology Behind AI Image Generation

Written by Don Lariviere

This article is third in a series introducing key concepts in artificial intelligence, with a focus on deepfakes.

It’s no secret that artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere — and every day we are consumers of it, perhaps without even being aware! AI has made its way to the top of today’s tech topics, and one aspect in which it’s garnered significant attention lately is image generation. AI-powered tools are now capable of producing images that are so realistic they can easily blur the lines between fact and fiction. 

These AI-generated images, often associated with "deepfakes," have the potential to revolutionize every industry and empower its users, but they also raise concerns about authenticity and misuse. In this article, we will delve into the technology behind AI image generation, explore its applications and impact, and discuss the future of this rapidly evolving field.

The Core Technology

At the heart of AI image generation lies a set of sophisticated algorithms and techniques that enable machines to learn from vast datasets of images and generate new visuals. AI image generation relies upon advanced techniques to create often stunning visuals.

Machine Learning: This is a core concept in AI where systems learn from data without explicit programming — such as the recommendations you get from Netflix or the assistance you get from your bank in detecting patterns of fraud or misuse. In image generation, this means feeding the system massive datasets of images – think millions of pictures of everything from cats and dogs to landscapes and abstract art. The system analyzes these images, identifying patterns, features, and relationships between different elements. Essentially, it learns the visual vocabulary of the world. This learning process allows the AI to understand the underlying structure of images, enabling it to generate new ones that adhere to those learned patterns.

Neural Networks: These are complex algorithms inspired by the human brain. They consist of interconnected nodes (neurons) organized in layers. Each connection between nodes has a weight, which determines the strength of the signal passed between them. During the learning process, these weights are adjusted based on the input data, allowing the network to recognize complex patterns and make decisions.  In image generation, neural networks process the visual information learned from the datasets and use it to generate new images.

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs): GANs employ two neural networks: a generator and a discriminator. Think of it like an art competition. The generator is the artist, creating new images from scratch. The discriminator is the judge, evaluating the authenticity of the generated images by comparing them to real images from the training dataset. The generator tries to fool the discriminator, while the discriminator tries to correctly identify the fakes. This back-and-forth process pushes both networks to improve, resulting in increasingly realistic images from the generator.

Evolution of AI Image Generation: Enter “Diffusion Models”

AI image generation has come a long way since its early days in the 2010s. Then, deepfake techniques were rudimentary, characterized by often-simple manipulations of facial expressions and lip movements. Since then, deep learning algorithms and increased computational power have helped create more seamless and indistinguishable content. 

Now, diffusion models have taken the world of AI art generation by storm. They are now the leading method for creating high-quality, realistic images from various inputs, including text descriptions (text-to-image), sketches, and even other images. Here's how they work for image generation:

  • Training Data: The model is trained on a massive dataset of images. This allows it to learn the underlying patterns and structures that make up realistic images.
  • Forward Diffusion (Adding Noise):  Before the AI can create new images, it needs to learn how images are structured. It starts by taking real images and gradually making them more and more noisy. “Noise” refers to random variations or disturbances added to data, specifically to images in this case. This helps the AI understand the underlying patterns and how different parts of an image relate to each other, even when they're hidden by the noise.
  • Learning the Reverse Process: The model's core learning task is to reverse this noising process. It learns to predict the noise that was added at each step, allowing it to gradually denoise an image and reconstruct it from pure noise.
  • Generating New Images: To generate a new image, the model starts with random noise and then iteratively denoises it. This process is guided by the learned patterns from the training data, as well as any conditional inputs (e.g., a text description).

Why Diffusion Models Excel at Image Generation

  • High Fidelity: They produce images with remarkable detail and realism, often surpassing the quality of images generated by other methods like GANs.
  • Diversity: Diffusion models can generate a wide range of images, from photorealistic scenes to artistic and abstract creations.
  • Controllability: Researchers are actively developing techniques to give users more control over the generated images. This includes methods for specifying image content, style, and composition through text prompts or other inputs.

Applications and Impact

AI image generation has found applications in a wide range of fields, including art and design, advertising and marketing, entertainment, education, and healthcare to name a few.

Small- and medium-sized businesses can also be producers and consumers of AI-generated images and videos, and, of course, there are both advantages and disadvantages. Some of the plusses include:

Content Creation: Deepfakes can help small businesses create engaging marketing content, product demos, and training materials without needing expensive actors or video production.

Personalized Customer Experiences: Imagine personalized messages from a "virtual spokesperson" tailored to individual customer needs.

Accessibility: Deepfakes can make content more accessible by translating speech into different languages and creating realistic sign language avatars.

But be sure to be aware of these threats:

Reputational Damage: Deepfakes could be used to create fake negative reviews or depict an employee in a compromising situation, harming their reputation.

Fraud: Deepfakes can facilitate phishing scams, with fraudsters impersonating trusted individuals to gain access to sensitive information or money.

Erosion of Trust: As deepfakes become more sophisticated, it may become harder for customers to distinguish real from fake, leading to a general decline in trust.

Be sure to check our first article in this series for ways to detect deepfakes and protect yourself from them!

The Future of AI Image Generation

The future of AI image generation is filled with possibilities. We can anticipate even more realistic images, as continued advancements in AI algorithms and computing power will lead to the creation of images that are virtually indistinguishable from reality.

We’ll surely see expansion into other media, as AI will likely expand its reach beyond static images to being a true collaborative, creative partner bringing one’s artistic vision to life, regardless of true skill. 


AI image generation is a rapidly evolving field with the potential to transform the way we create and interact with visual content. From empowering individuals to express their creativity to revolutionizing industries, AI is reshaping the landscape of image creation. 

While AI image generation holds immense promise, it also raises ethical concerns, particularly regarding the potential for deepfakes and the spread of misinformation. As the technology continues to advance, it is crucial to address these concerns and develop responsible AI practices. By fostering responsible AI development and promoting transparency, we can ensure that AI image generation serves as a force for good, empowering individuals and enriching our visual world.

Ready to go deeper?

Our next articles in the series will provide more technical exploration, building on the foundational knowledge presented in our introductory series on AI and deepfakes.

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